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rbbuild is utility for compiling and installing different Ruby versions.

Usage demo



sudo yum install -y$(grep 'CPE_NAME' /etc/os-release | tr -d '"' | cut -d':' -f5).noarch.rpm
sudo yum install rbbuild

Using Makefile and Git

git clone
cd rbbuild
sudo make install


Usage: rbbuild {options} def-file target-dir


  --threads, -t num           Number of threads for build process
  --no-patch, -np             Skip patch directives in definition file
  --cc-comp, -cc path/name    Path to C compiler
  --cxx-comp, -cxx path       Path to C++ compiler
  --ignore-checksums, -ic     Skip checksum check
  --ignore-loadavg, -il       Ignore check for high LA
  --mirror, -m name           Mirror name for downloading source archives from it
  --mirror-list, -L           Show list of all available mirrors
  --dl-cache, -dc path        Path to download cache
  --rbenv, -r                 Automatically install to RBEnv
  --name, -rn name            Define name of ruby in RBEnv (--rbenv is required)
  --proxy, -P url             Use HTTP proxy on given host and port
  --debug, -D                 Don't remove build directory and other build data after installation
  --output, -O path           Output path (default /dev/stdout)
  --quiet, -q                 Quiet mode
  --verbose, -V               Verbose mode
  --tmp, -T path              Path to temporary directory (used for unpacking files and build process)
  --yes, -y                   Answer "yes" to all questions
  --continue, -C              Don't clean prefix directory before build
  --no-colors, -nc            Don't use colors in output
  --no-spinner, -ns           Don't show spinner
  --help, -h                  Show this help message
  --version, -v               Show information about version


  rbbuild 2.7.5 /home/user/ruby-2.7.5 -t 4 -m essentialkaos
  Build 2.7.5 with sources from EK mirror using 4 threads

  rbbuild 3.0.5 /home/user/ruby-3.0.5
  Build 3.0.5 and install it to given directory

  rbbuild 3.1.1 -r
  Build 3.1.1 and install it to RBEnv

  rbbuild 3.1.1 | more
  Show def file for 3.1.1

CI Status

Branch Status
master CI
develop CI


Apache License, Version 2.0