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Usage demoInstallationUsageCI StatusContributingLicense

rbinstall is a utility for installing prebuilt Ruby to rbenv.


Take a look at our FAQ for more information.

Usage demo



sudo yum install -y$(grep 'CPE_NAME' /etc/os-release | tr -d '"' | cut -d':' -f5).noarch.rpm
sudo yum install rbinstall


Usage: rbinstall {options} version


  --reinstall, -R            Reinstall already installed version (if allowed in configuration file)
  --uninstall, -U            Uninstall already installed version (if allowed in configuration file)
  --reinstall-updated, -X    Reinstall all updated (rebuilt) versions (if allowed in configuration file)
  --gems-update, -G          Update gems for some version (if allowed in configuration file)
  --rehash, -H               Rehash rbenv shims
  --gems-insecure, -s        Use HTTP instead of HTTPS for installing gems
  --ruby-version, -r         Install version defined in version file
  --info, -i                 Print detailed info about version
  --all, -a                  Print all available versions
  --pager, -P                Use pager for long output
  --no-progress, -np         Disable progress bar and spinner
  --no-color, -nc            Disable colors in output
  --help, -h                 Show this help message
  --version, -v              Show version


  rbinstall 2.0.0-p598
  Install 2.0.0-p598

  rbinstall 2.0.0
  Install latest available release in 2.0.0

  rbinstall 2.0.0 -i
  Show details and available variations for 2.0.0

  rbinstall 2.0.0-p598-railsexpress
  Install 2.0.0-p598 with railsexpress patches

  rbinstall 2.0.0-p598 -G
  Update gems installed for 2.0.0-p598

  rbinstall 2.0.0-p598 --reinstall
  Reinstall 2.0.0-p598

  rbinstall -r
  Install version defined in .ruby-version file

CI Status

Branch Status
master CI
develop CI


Before contributing to this project please read our Contributing Guidelines.


Apache License, Version 2.0